
Most of the mornings when I actively walk to the park at 6 am

I feel immersed in the endless chirps of birds I do not know names of.

I see the green trees, the variation in their leaf sizes and shapes.

I see a woman cycling her way through the clean and quiet road

It seems as if the street is trying to find a quiet time too

To cleanse its head of all the disordered thoughts

I take off my shoes and walk barefoot on the wet grass

While the fresh dews awaken the drowsy parts of me

Their temporary cold tinge reminding me of the brevity of human life

I lie down, take a few deep breaths, watch few planes and birds fly by

As my heart fills up with unimaginable contentment

I realize I have been feeling lighter these days

Maybe it’s the trees, maybe it’s the wet grass walk or the gentle morning yoga I’ve been doing lately

As I reflect, I realize I love stillness as much as I love jumping around for no reason

And when the world becomes too tough a place to live in

When the future seems bleak and uncertain

Stillness comes to rescue

The more still I become, the more an entirely new world opens up to me

Where I’m consuming everything nature has to offer me without a pre-thought of what I should do with these consumptions

The more still I become, the more all my potential realities unleash themselves in waves

Making me believe ever more in the plethora of passions and dreams in my little heart

The more still I become, the more alive I feel.

Stillness brings me to the deepest level of expansion.

~ actually written on 16 May 2021



བསོད་ནམས | A Cultural Archive

Moved and inspired by nature, culture and art. I find comfort in writing, especially in tracing my cultural roots, recording oral folklore and reading poems.